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In 1962, Plum teacher Marilyn Bott, founded the Girls Leader Association. She had the club complete dozens of service projects each year, and at one point there were 300 members! Throughout the years GLA has remained motivated through valuing Character, Leadership, Service, Responsibility, and Enthusiasm.  The club works on several projects per year in helping individuals or groups in need in the Plum Community and beyond.  Some of these include sponsoring four blood drives each year, a fundraiser to support research for the PA Breast Cancer Coalition, Operation Christmas Child, Presents for Patients and various other projects at a few assisted-living facilities within the area, supplies for soldiers, Laird Cemetery upkeep, food pantry supplies, and many others.



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GLA is recognized as the USA Weekend Make a Difference Day winner.


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GLA received recognition in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from the Jefferson Awards Foundation.


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GLA participates in the Jerfferson Award Foundation's program Students in Action. They won a Gold Banner for a number of service projects but particularly their efforts to change how students and staff recycle in the school district through an Alcoa grant.



After members Marissa Beighley and Amanda Martin gave a presentation on efforts to unify the school, GLA won another Gold Banner. This time they were the top scoring school in the region and won the honor to represent the Pittsburgh Region at the national ceremony in Washington DC.

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